How Natural is Your Shizen No Kamae?

This may come as a shock, but I believe many people training in the martial arts today are doing shizen no kamae (natural posture) wrong.  How can this be?  After all, aren’t you supposed to be just standing there naturally?  Well, yes and no. The problem stems from the fact that even though this is…

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The Secret to Becoming a Great Martial Artist

There is one very special, not so secret, secret to becoming a great martial artist.  Want to know what it is? Do the work. Train every day.  Yes, every day.  Great martial artists train all the time.  Not once a week.  Not every other day, not just during class.  Every day.  Multiple times a day.…

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Fitness Dangers for Bujinkan Students

Martial artists need to be extremely cautious when choosing a fitness program to compliment their training.  While the right program can support, enhance, and protect budo practice, the wrong one can just as easily derail it. Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu relies on relaxed, whole-body power devoid of excess muscular tension to properly execute its techniques.  …

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Traditional Martial Artists of the World – UNITE!

Traditional martial arts all have a long history of intense, sometimes downright brutal, physical training to forge the warrior’s combative body, mindset, and spirit. This training has, up until very recently in history, never been optional. If you did not have the strength of will to endure it and push through then you simply did not…

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Intelligent Tension For Striking

How intelligent is your usage of tension in striking? All too often in training our punching and kicking techniques, we find what I’ve come to label as “dumb tension”.  This is used by martial artists across the board either accidentally through lack of understanding of how the body should work, or taught and passed down from…

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Top 10 Warrior Blog Posts of 2012

Who doesn’t love Top 10 Lists?   Earlier in the week when I began looking back over the Warrior Blog 2012 to put together my Year in Review post, it occurred to me that I should also do my very own top 10 list.  Why not?  It’s a great way to review and recap the most…

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The Day That Changed My Life

I still remember it like it was yesterday.  I was 16 years old, sitting in the back seat of my parent’s car thumbing through the latest issue of Black Belt magazine when I came to a full page advertisement for the 1989 Tai Kai with Ninjutsu Grandmaster Masaaki Hatsumi.  To my shock and utter astonishment…

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Training in Confined Spaces

If you have Warrior Fitness Training style questions, send them to me.  I answer any and all serious (well, mostly serious) questions about training, my Warrior Fitness System, my views on fitness, martial arts, self defense, strength & conditioning, or training for sport/athletic performance.   Here’s a video answer to a question I received the other day…

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This is Dangerous to YOUR Training

Alright.  Strap in, kids because this is gonna be a bumpy one. There is a huge problem that affects many people training in martial arts today that needs to be addressed because it is severely inhibiting their progress and skill.  It applies to fitness training as well, so if you don’t train martial art read this…

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Combat Conditioning and A Challenge

The video below is a brand new combat conditioning circuit I put together for martial artists.  It will be especially good for my Buyu (warrior friends) training in Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu.  If you are ready to put your body, mind, and spirit to the test, this circuit is guaranteed to kick your conditioning into high gear.

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