How Warriors Train for ENDURANCE

Warriors Need to HIIT! High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is one of the best ways to train for endurance. It will enhance all 3 energy systems in the body, as well as prime the nervous system to recover automatically during lulls in activity. Simply put, HIIT alternates periods of high intensity exercise with periods of…

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Top 5 Fat Loss Strategies

Today, let’s take a look at my top 5 favorite, no-brainer strategies for losing fat like a champ. If you are not seeing the results you want with your current fat loss plan, implement some, or preferably all of the following strategies and watch the fat literally fall off you!

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Warrior Fitness is Going Primal!

There are quite literally hundreds of different diet books lining the shelves of bookstores coast to coast.  Each one with a slightly, or radically, different approach than the next to helping its reader shed unwanted pounds, improve body composition, tighten up their waist line, and increase health and longevity.  And do this all quickly and…

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Sample Exercise from Warrior Fitness Guide to Striking Power

A Word on Strike Conditioning Swinging your sledge hammer at an old tire is an excellent old school conditioning exercise for anaerobic strength and work capacity.  It will insure your strikes have not only power, but endurance and as well.  Old tires are fairly easy to come by, usually any Tire and Auto place will…

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What’s Tabata You?

If you have been keeping up with the latest trends in conditioning research then you probably already know that interval training is the most efficient way to train.  Interval training alternates periods of high intensity exercise with periods of rest to produce gains in both aerobic and anaerobic systems.  Forget about those long slow distance runs to…

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