Create Your Own Adversity!

“Let me embrace thee, sour adversity, for wise men say it is the wisest course.”  ~William Shakespeare Philosophers and sages throughout the ages have consistently extolled the virtues of facing adversity for the purposes of becoming a better, stronger person. No matter what form this adversity takes, wisdom dictates that it must be faced head-on,…

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A Day in the Life…

At the suggestion of my good friend, and West Coast Buyu, Dave Furukawa, I am presenting a look at one of my daily workouts.  Please see Dave’s comments on my previous post here for reference. This is a record of my activity from yesterday, Memorial Day 2010: Morning Life begins early here, even on long holiday weekends,…

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Sometimes It’s OK to Not Follow the Program

Every have one of those days when no matter how fun, exciting, and productive your workout program happens to be, you just don’t feel like doing it?  I don’t mean out of lack of enthusiasm or laziness here though; motivation is not the problem.  You’re energetic and ready to train, but really just want to…

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Warrior Fitness Recommended Equipment

A question I often receive through email (which, by the way is great, please keep them coming!) is whether or not Warrior Fitness is strictly a bodyweight training system.  In short, no it’s not, but let me expand on that.  Bodyweight training is an outstanding way to exercise.  It requires absolutely no equipment, no gym membership,…

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