Mobility, Mobility, Mobility

What is, hands-down, the most effective, efficient, and time saving daily practice you can adopt for greater health and longevity? In one word – Mobility, Mobility, Mobility! I’m sure you are familiar with the phrase, “move it or lose it”, right?  But how seriously do you take it? A complete mobility practice moves each joint…

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What Business Am I In?

The text for this post came from a speech I gave last week to my BNI (networking) Group… You may think you know and understand the business I am in, being that I own a gym.  Perhaps you think I am in the business of helping people lose weight, or get in shape (whatever that…

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Warrior Podcast with Eric Guttmann

In an effort to provide you, my dear readers, with the best information out there on strength, health, fitness, and martial arts, I am interviewing top coaches, professionals, martial arts masters, and ordinary people who do extraordinary things.

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