Get A New Body in 2012

Every year millions of people worldwide make firm, committed New Year’s resolutions. “I’m going to get in shape this year.” I’m going to lose x number of pounds this year.” “This will be the year I reclaim my health and fitness.” “I’m going to join a gym this year.” “I’m going to cut my carbs…

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Warrior Fitness Gym Open House!

Please join us on Saturday, January 7, 2012 for an open house at

Warrior Fitness Gym

Hainesport Business Park

4004 Sylon Blvd.

Hainesport, NJ 08036

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With It or On It

The ancient Spartan maxim, “with it or on it” is a very stark reminder that we must be fully committed to whatever battle we are waging.  The full meaning of this phrase that Spartan mothers used to say to their sons before heading off to war is, to either come back with your shield –…

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8 Reasons Why YOU Need Striking Power

Remember, striking power is not just about hitting harder; it’s about hitting smarter.  Here’s a few reasons why this program is something you should incorporate into your martial training:   New, innovative exercises to push through plateaus in your training and stave off boredom. The right tools for the job – low tech / high…

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What Does a Ninja Need?

Historically, ninja were the consummate combination of super spy / super soldier.  They possessed outstanding levels of fitness due to their intensely physical training and highly demanding mission requirements. Their levels of fitness and training have been the subject of many stories and the genesis for many myths surrounding them. How did they do it?…

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Ninja Endurance – Part II

In part one of Ninja Endurance called,  How to Train for the Endurance of a Ninja, we discussed strength endurance and I provided a sample workout to help you build yours.  Here in part 2, I ‘d like to delve a little deeper into the whys of endurance training and how specifically high intensity interval training…

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The Sanshin of Warrior Fitness

A short introduction may be necessary for those readers not familiar with Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu.  Sanshin no kata is a basic training exercises within the system that templates movement patterns for Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu.  In English, it translates to “form of three hearts”.  These three hearts are mind, body, and spirit.  All three must be…

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What is the Essence of Defense?

What exactly is the essence of defense?  Suppose you took a martial art(s) and stripped it down to its core principles and functional movements to allow it to be employable with any tool whether it be empty-hand, blunt weapon, edged weapon, long weapon, hidden weapon, or improvised weapon?  What you would have is a fast, effective,…

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Knowing is Not Enough!

With the proliferation of the Internet and the incredible wealth of resources available in book, DVD, and digital formats, many of us already know more than enough to be martial arts masters!  Yep.  You heard me right – you know more than enough right now to be a master martial artist.  Cool, eh?  Heck, some…

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All Strength is Not the Same for the Warrior!

As martial artists most of us tend to cringe and shy away from words like “strength” and “power” in favor of seemingly more budo-friendly fitness words like “agility”, “coordination”, or “balance”. Yet, often we do not understand the actual definitions of the words and simply avoid them because of some misplaced fear that they will…

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