Underground Shock Training
Warrior Fitness readers, here is an awesome training tips article on Underground Shock Training by Zach Even-Esh. I hope you enjoy it! Drop some comments below and let me know what you think! Underground Shock Training If you have hit a plateau in your performance training, there are likely many variables missing that can…
Warrior Workout in the Park
This past Saturday was a beautiful fall day here in Jersey. A perfect day for a Warrior’s Workout in the Park! This workout was directly inspired by Zach Even-Esh’s Ultimate Underground Strength System. Warrior Workout 15 minute warm-up – mobility, movement, animal crawls, band work, breathing exercises followed by… 1) KB Clean & Press –…
8 Reasons Why YOU Need Striking Power
Remember, striking power is not just about hitting harder; it’s about hitting smarter. Here’s a few reasons why this program is something you should incorporate into your martial training: New, innovative exercises to push through plateaus in your training and stave off boredom. The right tools for the job – low tech / high…
The Results Are In!
Thanks to everyone who responded to my I Need Your Help post last week. I received a ton of replies via email, which was really cool! The Top 5 Responses for new Warrior Fitness products you would like to see: 5. Warrior Warm-up (Warrior Fitness style junan taiso) 4. Sandbag Training for…
I Need Your Help!
This is going to be a different post for me today. A little off track from my usual fitness, nutrition, budo, and motivational fare, but definitely a necessary, maybe even vital topic. First of all, I just want to say thank you to all my Warrior Fitness blog readers and subscribers. Whether you are one…
Warrior Fitness is Now Underground Strength Coach Certified!
There are great new things happening here at Warrior Fitness! The first being I am now a certified Underground Strength Coach. This past weekend I had the opportunity to attend Zach Even-Esh’s Underground Strength Coach Certification at the world renowned Underground Strength Gym in Edison, NJ. What an amazing weekend – I’m still sore! Zach…
Product Review: Door Gym
Recently the nice folks over at Karate Depot sent me a Door Gym to review. The cool thing about the Door Gym is that it is designed to be used with a multitude of different exercises, not just pull-ups. This is the perfect piece of equipment if you are into minimalist training and need one…
Embrace the Suck!
No one wants to work hard for anything anymore. It’s true. Take a look around at our modern culture. Instant satisfaction is everywhere from fast food to movies on demand. We literally have to wait for nothing. And, while the convenience is great and quite useful for the most part, it has also has had…
What Does a Ninja Need?
Historically, ninja were the consummate combination of super spy / super soldier. They possessed outstanding levels of fitness due to their intensely physical training and highly demanding mission requirements. Their levels of fitness and training have been the subject of many stories and the genesis for many myths surrounding them. How did they do it?…
Warrior Fitness is Going Primal!
There are quite literally hundreds of different diet books lining the shelves of bookstores coast to coast. Each one with a slightly, or radically, different approach than the next to helping its reader shed unwanted pounds, improve body composition, tighten up their waist line, and increase health and longevity. And do this all quickly and…