The Importance Of Isometrics

Thanks to Benjamin Bergman for this great guest post! In most training methods, you learn to train the big muscles in the major muscle groups or for most in the gym, they isolate the muscle to a certain degree. Many neglect those little muscles that keep you intact and help avoid injuries. When you do your…

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The Holy Grail of Training

Guest blog post by Eric Guttmann, U.S. Navy Officer, Author, Fitness Enthusiast and More Being in the Navy allows you to meet a lot of interesting people with different backgrounds, training experience and skills sets.  One thing that you come away with when interacting with people who are doing the tough, physically demanding jobs that…

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Stopping Power for Kicks & Strikes

The following is a guest post from my friend and fellow Underground Strength Coach, Frank DiMeo.  It is always an honor to do a guest blog post for another coach, especially regarding martial arts and strength training. To many people UFC is the only martial arts they are aware of, but the experienced martial artists…

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