How Natural is Your Shizen No Kamae?

This may come as a shock, but I believe many people training in the martial arts today are doing shizen no kamae (natural posture) wrong.  How can this be?  After all, aren’t you supposed to be just standing there naturally?  Well, yes and no. The problem stems from the fact that even though this is…

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Living More Authentically with Eric Guttmann

In an effort to provide you, my dear readers, with the best information out there on strength, health, fitness, and martial arts, I am interviewing top coaches, professionals, martial arts masters, and ordinary people who do extraordinary things.

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The Secret to Becoming a Great Martial Artist

There is one very special, not so secret, secret to becoming a great martial artist.  Want to know what it is? Do the work. Train every day.  Yes, every day.  Great martial artists train all the time.  Not once a week.  Not every other day, not just during class.  Every day.  Multiple times a day.…

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The Three Traits for a More Authentic Life

Guest blog post by Eric Guttmann, U.S. Navy Officer, Author, Fitness Enthusiast and More! Recently I was in a conference call and someone mentioned the word “exquisite” and how beautiful it sounds as well as the deep and rich meaning it conveys.  We made it a fun game to come with some new “words” for…

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Maintaining Preparedness

Guest blog post by Combat Systema Instructor, David Rusin. If you are like most people, you don’t have the luxury of spending hours each day in the training hall to prepare yourself for violent confrontation. So for the time we are able to spend in training, it is in our best interest to get the most…

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Eric Guttmann Talks Cleansing

In an effort to provide you, my dear readers, with the best information out there on strength, health, fitness, and martial arts, I am interviewing top coaches, professionals, martial arts masters, and ordinary people who do extraordinary things.

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Warrior Podcast with Eric Chasko

In an effort to provide you, my dear readers, with the best information out there on strength, health, fitness, and martial arts, I am interviewing top coaches, professionals, martial arts masters, and ordinary people who do extraordinary things.

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5 Reasons to NOT Train with Me

A bit tongue in cheek, but here are 5 excellent reasons why you should NOT train with me: 1)  If the price of your gym membership is the only deciding factor in where you train, please go to a commercial gym. 2)  If you do not care about ever achieving your fitness goals or getting…

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What Business Am I In?

The text for this post came from a speech I gave last week to my BNI (networking) Group… You may think you know and understand the business I am in, being that I own a gym.  Perhaps you think I am in the business of helping people lose weight, or get in shape (whatever that…

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Warrior Podcast with Craig Gray

In an effort to provide you, my dear readers, with the best information out there on strength, health, fitness, and martial arts, I am interviewing top coaches, professionals, martial arts masters, and ordinary people who do extraordinary things.

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