The text for this post came from a speech I gave last week to my BNI (networking) Group…
You may think you know and understand the business I am in, being that I own a gym. Perhaps you think I am in the business of helping people lose weight, or get in shape (whatever that means). Or, maybe the business of helping people get stronger or improve athletic performance. You would be wrong. Certainly those things are components of what I do, but they are not the complete picture.
Without stepping on the toes of my friends in the financial planning and life insurance industries, I will unapologetically tell you I am in the business of Long Term Care. How can I say that?
Fat loss, muscle gain, increases in flexibility, mobility, and performance are not end goals, in and of themselves. They are ALL merely byproducts of better movement. Whether you are an athlete, martial artists, soccer mom, or business man, and everyone in between, better movement will always equate to better performance, better body composition, and better health.
Exercise Improves Life
Exercise improves all facets of life. People who exercise regularly are better at their jobs, kids do better in school, they get sick less often, and in general have much higher levels of energy and health. Exercise does not just improve your biceps, it improves your brain. That pump you feel in the muscle when doing a curl is caused by blood flow. That blood flow is not isolated, that is physiologically impossible – it increases all throughout the body, including the brain. Think about this – your head is roughly 1/8 of your entire body. If you simply sit at a desk and work with your mind all day long, no matter how smart and productive you may be, you are only using approximately 1/8th of your entire potential. Descarte was wrong – the mind is not separate from the body.
I say I am in the business of long term care because I teach you much more than mere fitness. I teach you how to train for life. People do not stop moving because they get old. They get old because they stop moving!
Warrior Fitness is not a set of disparate parts cobbled together, but a system based on my life long experience as a physical culturist. To be able to recreate what I have put into it, you would have to study Japanese, Chinese, and Russian martial arts, strength training, bodyweight exercise, Kettlebell training, oldtime strong man training, sports science, yoga, qigong, etc…
I have put in all the work; done all the research, experimented with the protocols and the programming. I have given my clients, both locally here at Warrior Fitness Gym, and worldwide the product of it all– a fully developed, cohesive system of training the body, mind, and spirit for health, fitness, and performance – Warrior Fitness
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