Resolutions Are Bogus

I’ve had it with the whole New Year Resolutions thing.  I’m done.  I’m getting off the bandwagon and actively choosing to NOT participate.  The whole concept is bogus nonsense anyway when you think about it.

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Why You STILL Don’t Breathe Properly

I know, I know.  You’ve been breathing your entire life so how could you be doing it wrong?  You practice all day, every day, right?  So you’re thinking – Pretty simple stuff here – in through the nose, out through the mouth, what’s so difficult about this?  How could I possibly be screwing it up?  I…

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The Myth of the Impossible Workout

Strap in, Warriors.  I have something I need to get off my chest. This has been on my mind lately and it drives me absolutely crazy.  It’s the idea running rampant in the fitness industry that to have had a productive, effective workout you must lying in the fetal position in a pool of your own…

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Improve Yourself Every Day

“Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them.” ― William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night The potential for greatness lies within us all.  We just need to cultivate it.  But cultivation requires 2 things: effort and consistency.  If you want to pursue your own innate greatness…

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Warrior Fitness Gym T-Shirt Contest

Contest Extended Until Friday, November 2, 2012 at Midnight! We got brand new t-shirts the other day here at Warrior Fitness Gym.  Here’s how to win one FREE! Create a video of how you train Warrior Fitness Style.  Put it up on Youtube. Title it, “Warrior Fitness Gym T-Shirt Contest“ Post the video on my…

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