Get Up, Stand Up!
“Get up!” “Stand up!” I never allow my clients to slump, sit down, or lie down crumpled in a heap after an exercise, set, or workout. They know my rationale is partly physical, but mostly mental. You see, it’s critical to never allow the workout to beat you, no matter how tough it feels.
Destroy What You Are
Lately I feel like a fire’s been lit under me in my training. Somehow through sheer persistence, perseverance, and being too dumb to quit, I feel like I’ve broken through to a new level. And this level is more difficult than the one before. New levels always are. Sometimes I think people have the impression that…
There Are No Fitness Secrets!
At no time in history has there ever been more information, research, in-depth studies, and knowledge-sharing available than the present moment. Those who are still waiting for the latest “fitness secret” to be revealed to the public have missed the boat, in my opinion.
Muscle Confusion Got Ya Confused?
If muscle confusion has you confused, don’t worry because you’re not alone. There has been a lot of misinformation regarding this pseudo-scientific training method bandied about the past couple years over the Internet, as well as in local personal training studios, gyms, and bootcamps. Hopefully this article will help clear up some of the major…
Knife and Pistol Seminar
Saturday, June 23, 2012 *** Bujinkan Shidoshi, Josh Sager – 10th dan, and Jon Haas – 9th dan, team up once again to bring you a unique and extraordinary presentation of weapons retention and deployment using the knife and pistol!
Imagine You With Less Pain
Many trainers and coaches tend to look at the current rage of joint mobility protocols as recent innovations in sports science and training. Everyone is talking about mobility for health, mobility for prehab or injury prevention, mobility for warm-ups, mobility for fending off the ravages of aging. Everyone is talking about the benefits of increased…
Do You Still Have Dad Strength?
Remember back when you were a little kid and your father always looked like this physically imposing, towering figure of a man? You had this perception of your dad as a super-human figure who could pick you up over his head and put you on his strong shoulders to be able to see the world. …
7 Mistakes You May Be Making at the Gym
Here are some simple ideas to help you maximize the use of your gym time. I’ve found that many hardcore gym goers routinely make the same simple mistakes in their training over and over again. This is a short list that highlights some of the big ones I see regularly. If you can avoid them,…
Fitness or Fatness, Your Choice
Seems pretty simple, right – fitness or fatness? If our choices for how our bodies would look, feel, and move were laid out like an a la carte menu it would make life much easier. Would you like the fit body today or the fat one? Either or. Take your pick. Would you like the…
Warning! Read This Before Exercising Again!
Research has recently revealed that exercising may indeed have serious side effects for those involved. Individuals who exercise are advised to proceed with extreme caution when handling a tool this powerful and capable of creating extreme effects on its users. Highly transformative qualities have been reported when using exercise. The following is a list of…