Traditional Martial Artists of the World – UNITE!
Traditional martial arts all have a long history of intense, sometimes downright brutal, physical training to forge the warrior’s combative body, mindset, and spirit. This training has, up until very recently in history, never been optional. If you did not have the strength of will to endure it and push through then you simply did not…
The Worst Reason Ever
The other day my daughters and I were sitting in a local diner having breakfast. As we sat there looking at the menus and discussing what we were planning to order, my 4 year old looked at her older sister and said – “Hey! Get your elbows off the table!” “No way!” replied my 12 year…
The Most Powerful Form of Training
“Look at this guy – he’s a beast!” “You’re an animal!” “He’s got beast strength!” In the fitness world it’s become very common to refer to extremely strong and capable individuals as “Beasts” or “Animals”. We use these terms to separate them out from the regular crowd, to distinguish their strength as something more than…
The Greatest Blog Post Ever Written
Last night I was visited by a demon. Yeah, I know, right? Crazy. Don’t get distracted by that though, this is gonna move fast so pay attention. Where was I? Oh yeah, demon. Here’s what went down…
Why I Hate Kickboxing
For months now people have been asking me to implement a Kick Boxing program at Warrior Fitness Gym. I’ve been resisting the pressure mainly due to one important factor – I hate kick boxing. 🙂 Allow me to clarify. I hate what real kick boxing has devolved into, the dreaded “cardio” kick boxing. To me,…
4 Principles For Punching Power
Principles of Striking Power 1. Whole Body Power All movement happens in real life happens in three dimensions, so why train exercises that only incorporate one or two? Training muscles in isolation, unless it is used to rehab a specific injury, range of motion, or strengthen a particular muscle to add to the whole, does…
Intelligent Tension For Striking
How intelligent is your usage of tension in striking? All too often in training our punching and kicking techniques, we find what I’ve come to label as “dumb tension”. This is used by martial artists across the board either accidentally through lack of understanding of how the body should work, or taught and passed down from…
Healing Yourself With Mobility – Part 2
Healing and Protecting the Lower Back Guest blog post by Eric Guttmann, U.S. Navy Officer, Author, Fitness Enthusiast and More! In my last article I mentioned how I healed a sprained ankle myself using joint mobility. Now whenever something happens I can quickly and easily fix it myself. For example I was training my heavy…
Little Dragon
I just finished watching, Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story, for probably the 10th time since it came out in 1993. It still amazes me that in such a short life, Bruce was only 32 when he died, he was able to have such a huge impact on the world. Bruce was my childhood hero. The…
Healing Yourself with Mobility Part 1
Guest blog post by Eric Guttmann, U.S. Navy Officer, Author, Fitness Enthusiast and More Healing an Ankle Sprain I frequently attend health, youthing, anti-aging, and training seminars along with travels all over the world regarding health practices. I always make it a point to ask both presenters and experts in the audience what is…