Embrace the Suck!

No one wants to work hard for anything anymore.  It’s true.  Take a look around at our modern culture.  Instant satisfaction is everywhere from fast food to movies on demand.  We literally have to wait for nothing.  And, while the convenience is great and quite useful for the most part, it has also has had…

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The Warrior Fitness Guide to Striking Power is Here!

Warrior Fitness Guide to Striking Power – Level 1
by Jonathan Haas, founder of Warrior Fitness Training Systems

Specific Physical Preparedness for ALL striking arts from old school Traditional Martial Arts to modern MMA!

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Special Offer – Warrior Fitness Book + T-Shirt!

Special Combination Offer (good while supplies last!)   Pick up a copy of the book,   Warrior Fitness: Conditioning for Martial Arts, and   a Warrior Fitness T-Shirt for only $29.95!!        Warrior Fitness Book + T-Shirt (size) Book & Large T-Shirt $29.95Book & Medium T-shirt $29.95Book & Small T-Shirt $29.95

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Warrior Fitness 4th of July Workout Challenge

Looking for a way to justify all the upcoming holiday weekend festive food and alcohol consumption? Try spicing up your 4th of July weekend with an intense workout or 2 to (maybe) balance it out. Here are 2 different hardcore challenge workouts that you can do pretty much anywhere with just your bodyweight and a pull-up bar. No pull-up bar, no problem – go outside and use a tree branch!

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Ninja Endurance – Part II

In part one of Ninja Endurance called,  How to Train for the Endurance of a Ninja, we discussed strength endurance and I provided a sample workout to help you build yours.  Here in part 2, I ‘d like to delve a little deeper into the whys of endurance training and how specifically high intensity interval training…

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Ukemi Flow Conditioning Workout

This one is for all the martial artists out there –  I created the following ukemi conditioning workout for myself a few years ago to specifically target the transitions between my rolls and begin to unlock flow.  Additionally, it has the effect of really getting your heart pumping and makes a great workout!  Start out slowly…

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Warrior Fitness Workout of the Week #5

This is the fifth in our continuing series of Workouts of the Week. The focus of this workout is increasing metabolic activity for burning fat and building lean muscle. We have also included instructions on modifying the workout to fit your current level of conditioning. Enjoy!

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Breathing 101

I was planning to title this post, “Breathing for Dummies” after the famous how-to guides, but I realized most dummies aren’t interested in bettering their health, fitness, and extending longevity in their sports, martial arts, or activities.  Plus, I dislike the subtle insult of refering to my readers as “dummies”.  Nor would I want dummies…

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Warrior Fitness Workout of the Week #2

This week’s conditioning workout will push your anaerobic threshold to the max. Endurance is defined as the ability to resist fatigue – how resistant are you?

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Conditioning for Striking

Looking for a great way to spice up your conditioning work and make it more martial arts specific at the same time? Give this workout a try! What you will need – wave bag, double-end bag, heavy bag lying on the ground (you can make substitutions as needed).  There is no real set/rep scheme for…

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