Awaken The Man

Comfortably slumbering under the influence of the drug that is modern society, the true power of man lies dormant. Too much of the wrong foods have made him sluggish and their excesses have made him round. Too much sitting, whether it be in an office laboring behind a keyboard, or on a couch relaxing from…

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Lunchtime Warriors

During my 15 year stint in the confines of cubicle hell, otherwise known as Corporate America, the lunch hour was always my time to escape from the office and do some training.  Depending on how densely packed my meetings were scheduled for the day, and if the boss was around or not, usually dictated how…

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6 Tips to Build a Better Warrior

1.  Get Stronger. Whole body strength, along with mobility, is the foundation for all athletic movement.  Being strong makes everything else easier.  Your conditioning, your skill acquisition, your endurance, all become quicker and easier to attain and maintain once you have a solid base of strength.  Don’t underestimate how important it is for a warrior…

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Is Weakness A Crime?

There’s no denying it, men as a whole are getting weaker. To our own detriment as a society, as a nation, and as a world, we are progressively getting more and more comfortable with our weakness. It has become habitual for us , and what is habitual becomes normal. But to be weak is not…

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Go Ninja on Your Fitness Training!

Here on the Warrior Blog we spend a lot of time discussing many different aspects of proper warm-ups, joint mobility, injury prevention, stress management, effective methods of recovery and restoration, and also proper programming of workouts.  All this stuff is critical to know, to understand, and to put into practice in our daily training. That…

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How Capable Are YOU?

It’s a good question to ask yourself – how capable am I?  What are my physical, mental, and spiritual strength limits?  How far can I really go?  What can I actually accomplish during this all too short ride called life?

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Leave A Legacy of Strength

This is for all the Dads out there. Our kids depend on us for all sorts of basic survival needs – food, clothing, shelter, etc.  But what about one of their most critical survival needs?  The need to grow up with a role model who will teach them through example.

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Get Up, Stand Up!

“Get up!”  “Stand up!” I never allow my clients to slump, sit down, or lie down crumpled in a heap after an exercise, set, or workout.  They know my rationale is partly physical, but mostly mental.  You see, it’s critical to never allow the workout to beat you, no matter how tough it feels.

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Destroy What You Are

Lately I feel like a fire’s been lit under me in my training.  Somehow through sheer persistence, perseverance, and being too dumb to quit, I feel like I’ve broken through to a new level.  And this level is more difficult than the one before. New levels always are. Sometimes I think people have the impression that…

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There Are No Fitness Secrets!

At no time in history has there ever been more information, research, in-depth studies, and knowledge-sharing available than the present moment.  Those who are still waiting for the latest “fitness secret” to be revealed to the public have missed the boat, in my opinion.

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