Way back in 2009 I started studying this weird, rarely talked about, even more rarely taught aspect of traditional martial arts called internal power.
To say it opened up my worldview when it came to martial arts training would be a huge understatement!
Now, to put it in perspective, I’d been training in martial arts since I was 10, and I’d trained with high level masters all over the world. But I was blown away by this stuff!!!
I’m reminded of what Ueshiba (the founder of Aikido) said of his Daito Ryu teacher, Sokaku Takeda who taught him these internal power exercises – “He opened my eyes to budo”
To me, this training is really the underlying essence of budo. It creates a powerful body for any martial artist, no matter the art. And it gives those who are in the know a tremendous advantage!!
What is Internal Power?
I think it’s best to start with the basics. What is internal power and how can it useful to the practitioner of any and all martial arts or combat sports? Let me state this at the outset to hopefully clear up a rather unfortunate misinterpretation of IP.
Internal Power is physical.
It’s not some mystical mumbo jumbo or a throwing chi balls type of nonsense.
It is actually a way of conditioning the body through specific solo training exercises and paired partner training. The training method spans thousands of years and has been handed down through the ages within the warrior traditions of India, China, and Japan. It is a body technology with a set method and detailed process of instruction that simply cannot be learned by osmosis. It must be explicitly taught.
The basis for the method is what is known as the union of opposites or In Yo Ho, in Japanese.
By creating opposing forces within the body (up/down, left/right, front/back) through the use of intent – your own mental direction using imagery, feeling, and visualization – we begin to increase the mind-body connection to a remarkable degree.
Through the solo training exercises we condition and strengthen the entire fascia network, as well as tendons and ligaments, throughout the body. This process serves to create a connected body through the center so that when ‘one thing move, everything moves’.
How Can YOU Learn This?
Thus in the Integrated Strength Program I have combined the two methods to create a fully integrated system of developing human strength potential.
This complete system of Internal Power Development AND Unusual Strength is presented to you for the FIRST TIME EVER inside the Integrated Strength Training Program.
I refined and added to that body of knowledge in the next installment of internal power training called Shadow Strength in 2019.
Shadow Strength contains a unique set of exercises drawn from traditional martial arts designed to utilize breath, posture, and mobility to build superhuman levels of strength and resistance to injury.
And this year I released the newest program in my internal strength series called The Power Protocol which takes all of the training so far to the next level.
The goal of The Power Protocol program is singular in nature – to cut through the morass of myth and misinformation and give you a practical, proven, results-driven method for building real martial power no matter who you are, what martial art you study, or how you’ve been let down by unknowing or unscrupulous teachers in the past.
This program is your one-stop-shop for developing knock-down, drag out power for any martial art from the inside out and the outside in. After following this program, you will be stronger, tougher, more durable, flexible, and resistant to injury.
Not to mention the ability to hit like a truck out of nowhere and be almost impossible to take down, throw, or joint lock without your express compliance
These 3 programs contain the most powerful training I’ve released publicly to date.
Now you can save 50% on all 3 powerful programs here <<==
If you train in martial arts, you owe it to yourself to grab this package and get started – your training will NEVER be the same!
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