There Are No Fitness Secrets!

At no time in history has there ever been more information, research, in-depth studies, and knowledge-sharing available than the present moment.  Those who are still waiting for the latest “fitness secret” to be revealed to the public have missed the boat, in my opinion.

Actually, I’ll let you all in on a little secret – you won’t tell anyone, will you? – Fitness has a lot less to do with what you KNOW (to a certain extent), and a lot more to do with what you DO (to a greater extent).

The secrets have already been revealed, the recipe for the secret sauce ain’t so secret anymore, and this is very troubling for some people.  Want to guess why?  Because they can no longer pontificate and debate and pretend that the latest and greatest fad is just around the corner.  If there are no more secrets, then there’s no more stalling and waiting for “it” to arrive.  It’s here.  It’s available and at your fingertips – books, DVDs, articles, websites, blogs, personal trainers, fitness coaches, super awesome gyms, etc….

The knowledge is here.  It’s being shared.  The issue now is actually reversed.  We know too much.  You never would have thought it possible, but it’s true.  Many of us are so overwhelmed by the deluge of information, workout routines, different programs, conflicting opinions and research, that we are stuck in our own paralysis by analysis.

So what should you do?  Find a trainer you trust and train with them.  Pick a program that resonates with you and follow it.  Go to a gym that educates, motivates, and challenges you.  Do the work.  Put in the sweat.  Endure the discomfort and get better because of it.  Get out there and do it!

Need help with your fitness program?  Check out my Online Coaching Opportunity.  I will create an individualized, done-for-you program to meet your goals.  There are only 3 spots left, so act now!


Jon Haas, "The Warrior Coach" has been training in Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu for more than 25 years and is currently ranked as a Kudan (9th degree black belt) under Jack Hoban Shihan. He has also trained in Okinawan Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Russian Systema, BJJ, Krav Maga, as well as Internal Martial Arts of Yiquan and Aiki.He is a certified Underground Strength Coach-Level 2, a certified Personal Trainer as well as founder of Warrior Fitness Training Systems. In 2008, Jon wrote the book, Warrior Fitness: Conditioning for Martial Arts, and since then has created numerous other online training and coaching programs helping people around the world become the strongest, most capable versions of themselves!

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About The Author


Jon Haas, "The Warrior Coach" has been training in Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu for more than 25 years and is currently ranked as a Kudan (9th degree black belt) under Jack Hoban Shihan. He has also trained in Okinawan Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Russian Systema, BJJ, Krav Maga, as well as Internal Martial Arts of Yiquan and Aiki.He is a certified Underground Strength Coach-Level 2, a certified Personal Trainer as well as founder of Warrior Fitness Training Systems. In 2008, Jon wrote the book, Warrior Fitness: Conditioning for Martial Arts, and since then has created numerous other online training and coaching programs helping people around the world become the strongest, most capable versions of themselves!

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