Lacking Workout Motivation? Try This!

We all have those days… You know you should workout on a consistent basis, but sometimes the motivation just isn’t there. Here’s a quick primer on how to set yourself up for success. 1)  Have a Goal. 2) Follow a Program. (read “Which Program is Best for You”) It’s much easier to do the work if you…

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Stay The Course

Over the past few early January 2013 evenings I’ve been thinking deeply about my mission in life.  Some of my thoughts formed themselves into the lines below as I sat writing in front of my computer. My goal here is to reach out to all those people who never quite manage to keep their resolutions and…

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No More Excuses

Most days I love training.  No secret there.  But every once in a while, when I’m not quite feeling it, I catch myself looking for an excuse.  At these times the flimsiest, lamest excuse will do.  You know what I mean, right?  The funny thing about excuses is that to someone outside looking in, they…

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The Pain of Transformation

Every now and then it’s good to remind ourselves of the initial pain we all went through when starting a new exercise program.  After we have been training for a while and our body has adapted to the positive stress provided by the workout, we sometimes forget how difficult it was in those early days…

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