The 13 Deadly Sins of Fitness

Bless me Coach for I have sinned.  It’s been a while since my last fitness confession.  These are my top 13 most deadly fitness sins… (Yes, I know there are only 7 deadly sins but I just couldn’t stop at 7…)

  1. I did not make the time to work out consistently.
  2. I was too lazy and did not train.
  3. I have not supported my training with the proper nutritional strategies.  Remedy that with my free Ninja Nutrition Program!
  4. I allowed myself to be tempted by the latest, sexiest, “flavor of the week” training program in some crappy fitness magazine.
  5. I ignored my coach’s advice and did not perform a proper warm-up thus increasing my chances for injury.
  6. I further ignored my coach’s advice and did not follow the correct cool down protocol thus increasing my odds of soreness and residual tension.
  7. I did not seek out a knowledgeable coach to help me program my workouts and get me to my fitness goals thus leaving myself floundering in a fitness limbo of getting nowhere fast.
  8. I fell prey to becoming complacent in my workouts and never vary my routine thus insuring I stay stranded on this damn plateau.
  9. I fell prey to my fitness ADD and constantly change up my workouts to “confuse” my muscles thereby insuring my results are as random as my training
  10. I placed other “important” tasks before my training while knowing that my training is the one thing that allows me to be my best and support ALL my other tasks and activities.
  11. I allowed myself to get drawn into “paralysis by analysis” and become overwhelmed with all the information out there and thus I do nothing.
  12. I coveted my friend’s training program and did not stick to my own.
  13. I am weak and in poor condition but I voluntarily choose to sit on my ass and watch TV rather than getting up and doing something about it.

Need to do penance?  Or do you need guidance on your physical, mental, and spiritual journey?  The scriptures of Warrior Fitness can be found HERE.  Use these resources!!



Jon Haas, "The Warrior Coach" has been training in Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu for more than 25 years and is currently ranked as a Kudan (9th degree black belt) under Jack Hoban Shihan. He has also trained in Okinawan Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Russian Systema, BJJ, Krav Maga, as well as Internal Martial Arts of Yiquan and Aiki.He is a certified Underground Strength Coach-Level 2, a certified Personal Trainer as well as founder of Warrior Fitness Training Systems. In 2008, Jon wrote the book, Warrior Fitness: Conditioning for Martial Arts, and since then has created numerous other online training and coaching programs helping people around the world become the strongest, most capable versions of themselves!

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About The Author


Jon Haas, "The Warrior Coach" has been training in Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu for more than 25 years and is currently ranked as a Kudan (9th degree black belt) under Jack Hoban Shihan. He has also trained in Okinawan Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Russian Systema, BJJ, Krav Maga, as well as Internal Martial Arts of Yiquan and Aiki.He is a certified Underground Strength Coach-Level 2, a certified Personal Trainer as well as founder of Warrior Fitness Training Systems. In 2008, Jon wrote the book, Warrior Fitness: Conditioning for Martial Arts, and since then has created numerous other online training and coaching programs helping people around the world become the strongest, most capable versions of themselves!

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