The Hardest Push-up EVER?

I love push-ups. All kinds. Most of clients can attest to the fact that I come up with some of the craziest (and difficult!) variations of push-ups that they’ve ever seen. But every once in a while, I like to take the simple, basic push-up and, without changing the form at all, make it one…
A Workout for Mere Mortals

Today we are going to look at a workout for the fitness novices out there. If you are older, maybe a little out of shape, recovering from an injury, just getting started with your fitness program or simply looking for sustainable progress in your workouts, this post is for you.
Ninja Stars and Strength Training

Yesterday I decided to do something a little bit different in my workout. As an experiment, I wanted to look at the effect lactic acid build up in the muscles had on my ability to throw rubber shuriken (ninja stars) and hit a target. The theory being that as fatigue in the muscles increased, throwing…
Product Review: Door Gym
Recently the nice folks over at Karate Depot sent me a Door Gym to review. The cool thing about the Door Gym is that it is designed to be used with a multitude of different exercises, not just pull-ups. This is the perfect piece of equipment if you are into minimalist training and need one…
Push-ups as Breathing Exercises – Part 2
In our last article on breathing exercises, here, we introduced the concept of using the basic push-up form as a vehicle for training the breath. Today we will continue with the push-up as the outward expression, but take a look at different types of breathing patterns to increase the depth and complexity of the the…
Push-ups as Breathing Exercises
Today we are going to talk about push-ups. I can hear the groans already. But these aren’t the dull, boring, uninspired push-ups you had to do in grade school gym class for some lame physical fitness challenge. Nor are these the repetitious calisthenics you had to do by the hundreds in Army Boot Camp. Today,…