My Morning Routine
For the past several weeks there has been a running theme interwoven throughout my blog posts. That theme has been practice, Daily Personal Practice (DPP), to be precise. I’ve gotten several questions about the details of my own DPP since I refer to it several times in my writing. So I figured I would pull…
Best Way to Program Your Training
One of the most oft asked questions I get from people, from both the online and offline worlds, is about their weekly workout schedule: “How should I program my workouts?” “How many days per week should I train?” “Is it wrong or bad to train 2 days in a row?” “How much rest should I…
Are You Practicing Wrong?
Are you making progress in your practice, or do you feel like you’re running in circles, making lots of motion but essentially getting nowhere? Maybe you’ve got this whole practice thing wrong… We all know that practice is absolutely essential to the development of any skill. But how should we practice? What qualities should our…
Principles, Techniques, and Internal Power
For some reason people seem to use the terms principles,techniques, and internal power interchangeably within the context of martial arts practice. Because of this mistake, they then tend to get confused between them. While they are all obviously related, each term is separate and distinct and should not be interchangeable with one another.
The Way of the Warrior
Daily training is absolutely essential for the warrior. It must be firmly ingrained into your routine until doing your practice becomes as natural as brushing your teeth or taking a shower. No thought or debate is required, you simply just do it every day, sometimes twice a day. It must become habitual.
Training Through Injuries
Four weeks ago I injured my ankle. The diagnosis? Peroneal tendonitis. Walking was painful. Squating was painful. Lunging was out of the question. Heck, even balancing on my injured foot hurt.
Places of Power
Training outside in the elements has always been one of my favorite ways to practice martial arts and the art of strength, or Warrior Fitness. There’s something special about the fresh air, sunshine, and changing terrain that gives life to the training and makes it hugely satisfying for me. In fact, my weekly Bujinkan Martial…
The Alpha Protects
I’m here in Long Beach Island, NJ for a week of fun and sun with the family. Today, however, was cloudy and cool so instead of heading to the beach we decided to stay at the house in the morning to relax a little bit and then take in an early afternoon movie. So with…
Powerful Book Recommendations
I am an absolutely voracious reader. Usually I am reading 3-4 books at a time AND listening to a book on CD in my car. The book on CD is key. My car becomes a mobile library and I’m able to productively utilize my driving time. I do occasionally jam out to my favorite tunes…
The UN-Natural Athlete
I was never what you would call a natural athlete growing up. In fact, I pretty much sucked at every sport I tried – baseball, basketball, soccer, kickball, tennis… you name it, I sucked at it. To make things worse I was also ridiculously shy and introverted as a kid, so that combination, on top…