Why You Must Train Your Grip Strength
I have very few specific memories of my Great Grandfather, who was in his 90’s when he passed away. One of those memories is how strong and crushing his grip was for such an old man. I remember shaking his hand and being brought to my knees with a bone-crushing grip as he smiled at…
How Far Can You Go?
Mediocrity ain’t in my vocabulary. It should not be in yours either. Average is for the weak. Normal? Bleh – no thanks. This ride called life we are all on has but one go around. No more tickets – you only get 1. So why not push for outstanding? Why dare to fulfill all your…
Resolving the Tension Paradox for Martial Artists
In order to truly begin our quest for Integrated Strength, we must first resolve the tension paradox between conventional strength training and internal power… “Don’t use muscle!” “No power!” “Relax!” “Move naturally!”
Theme for 2015 – Integrated Strength
New Years Day, 2015 Warrior Fitness HQ Happy New Year, Warriors! When I first began Warrior Fitness way back in 2008 the goal was simple – utilize my knowledge, training, and experience from several different disciplines under the broad heading of Strength & Conditioning to enhance the performance of martial arts. I began by creating…
Top 9 Posts From 2014
It’s that time of the year again. Time for the Top 10, er… 9, best blog posts of 2014! This year saw 2 distinct themes emerge: a critical examination of what internal power really is and its relationship to martial arts training, specifically, but not limited to, Bujinkan Martial Arts training, and the importance of…
Reflections on 42
Tomorrow, December 3, is my 42nd birthday. And, as anyone who has read Douglas Adam’s classic trilogy, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy knows, the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything is 42. Therefore, upon the occasion of my 42nd birthday I thought I might sit down and write out…
Research of Martial Arts (Book Review)
I love reading martial arts books. Over the course of my career, I have probably read hundreds of them. There are currently a dozen or more on my book shelf. I had to get rid of some that I no longer read to make space for the ones I constantly go back and refer to…
Stronger Than Fear
Are you stronger than your fear? Or do you stay in your comfort zone and allow fear to get the better of you? You can tell every time when you start to push against the edge of your comfort zone – you begin to feel afraid. Maybe you don’t call it fear. Maybe it’s resistance.…
Like Paul Freakin’ Bunyan!
I was recently asked how one should train their psyche for martial arts. It seems like a weird question… Train your psyche?? Upon further reflection though, it’s actually a very astute question. Psyche is defined as the totality of the human mind, conscious and unconscious. So training it must be essential. How then do we…
A Glimpse Into Internal Power Training – The Push Test
The push test is a very practical way of testing the quality of one’s solo training for internal power. As explained in Weakest Direction Theory is BS, the body, when properly trained, acts as an omni-directional structure. This allows the practitioner of internal power to neutralize any incoming force by diffusing it throughout the structure…