I spent all morning today running around with my 4 year old doing a bunch of errands. We went to Story Time at Barnes & Noble (she loves that!), then to the bank, to the post office (where I shipped out one of the last paperback copies of Warrior Fitness: Conditioning for Martial Arts!), then off to go food shopping. Finally we made it back home where I got lunch ready, chicken nuggets for her and a protein shake for me (recipe here!).
Now, aside from telling you about my morning, you may be wondering what my point is here. At each one of the stops we made I did some people watching and listening. At B&N, while listening to the story teller read Good Night Moon, I overheard 2 moms having a conversation about Weight Watchers and how they both needed to lose weight. There was some talk about eating healthier, but the main focus seemed to be on how they could cheat – and they hadn’t even started yet!! All this while both were sucking down some serious calories from their Starbucks mocha-whatevers with chocolate syrup and whipped cream. Since I was curious, I engaged them in conversation and asked if they were going to add exercise in to help them with their goals. They both agreed that it would be a great idea, if only they had time. They seemed very convinced that they were way too busy with everything going on in their lives and would just have to “do the best they could”. I wanted to pursue the conversation more, but the story was over and Juliana was ready to go play with the legos and trains, so we walked away.
This got me thinking – why do people TALK about being healthy so MUCH, yet put so little actual value on their health and fitness that they can’t make it a priority in their lives? We all KNOW so much about how to be healthy, but knowing is not enough. We all want so much to be healthy, fit and strong, but willing it is not enough. There is simply ONLY ONE WAY to become fit, healthy, and stong, and that is DOING IT!
“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.” – Zig Ziglar
Make your fitness a priority in your life. Sooner or later if you don’t make time for being healthy you will be forced to make time for being sick. Take charge of your own fitness today. Make it part of your weekly schedule. Get it done.
Remember – what gets scheduled gets done. What does NOT get scheduled falls by the wayside. Don’t just talk about it. Become it!
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