A Day in the Life…
At the suggestion of my good friend, and West Coast Buyu, Dave Furukawa, I am presenting a look at one of my daily workouts. Please see Dave’s comments on my previous post here for reference. This is a record of my activity from yesterday, Memorial Day 2010: Morning Life begins early here, even on long holiday weekends,…
Morning Wake Up Routine

Ever have one of those mornings when you have to be up early for work or school, but simply can’t summon the energy to start your day? This is a routine I have been using successfully for years to shake out the cobwebs and get me moving on the mornings when just a cup of…
A Case for Mini Workouts

These days everyone is short on time. Most are content to allow the daily grind and family time to fill their days while lamenting about the fact that they have no time for working out. The complaints are common and heard often. But somehow these same people are able to find time to watch an…
Everyone Needs a Coach!
The other day, I was working out with my good friend Eric Chasko at his studio, Redemption Kettlebell Gym in East Windsor, NJ. After our training session, we were discussing the mechanics of a basic kettlebell swing and Eric had me demo a few swings. As I began demonstrating the basic kettlebell swing that I had…
The “Incomplete” Kihon Happo DVD Review
Chuuto Hanpa Kihon Happo or, The “Incomplete” Kihon Happo, is a new DVD by Bujinkan instructor, Rob Renner. Rob has been training in the Bujinkan since 1986 and living in Japan since 2005. He trains with Hatsumi Soke and the Shihan, senior instructors, typically 5 to 6 days a week. This DVD is, as Rob points out,…
Warrior Fitness Workout of the Week #5
This is the fifth in our continuing series of Workouts of the Week. The focus of this workout is increasing metabolic activity for burning fat and building lean muscle. We have also included instructions on modifying the workout to fit your current level of conditioning. Enjoy!
Sometimes It’s OK to Not Follow the Program
Every have one of those days when no matter how fun, exciting, and productive your workout program happens to be, you just don’t feel like doing it? I don’t mean out of lack of enthusiasm or laziness here though; motivation is not the problem. You’re energetic and ready to train, but really just want to…
Wisdom by Will Smith
This montage of clips from Will Smith interviews is simply awe-inspiring. There is absolutely nothing you cannot accomplish when you put your mind to it. “The first step, before anyone else in the world believes it, is you have to believe it.” Check it out. Listen to the wisdom!
You Have No Idea What Being Fat is Costing You
Special thanks to guest author, Alan Livelsberger for this insightful post! I have a secret to share with you; I used to carry a few extra pounds with me. Almost fifty, actually. But that’s not the secret. Anyone looking at me could have told you that. You’ll have to keep reading to learn my secret. Several…
Tabata for Kids!
Usually my favorite place for the kids to exercise is outside. There’s nothing like running around, climbing on the jungle gym at the local playground, or just enjoying a walk on a beautiful day in the fresh air and sunshine to fulfill your children’s daily recommended allowance of exercise. But how about those dull, rainy days when the…