Daily Mobility Practice – The Fountain of Youth

All movement skills, especially martial movement skills, must be built on a foundation of both stability and mobility. Today we will cover mobility. A complete mobility practice moves each joint in the body through its complete range of motion bathing it in synovial fluid. Movement is the only way your joints get nutrition! Many trainers…
Be Dangerous to be Kind

Inside the heart of every man lives a warrior waiting to be unleashed. Unfortunately, this fierceness, for the majority of men, lies dormant and untested. But, I assure you, it is there. As boys we pretended to be superheroes, Jedi knights, or ninja warriors. I know I did all 3 with matching costumes, capes, and…
10 Books Every Warrior Should Read

I am what you would call an avid reader. Some would even say my reading habit borders on a reading obsession since at any one time I can be found to have at least three, sometimes four books going simultaneously. I have several on my nightstand next to my bed, a couple on the coffee…
The Process of Becoming Masterful

“Remember that mastery is not attained once after a lifetime of practice, but earned every day.” – Jon Haas Usually when we think of someone who is a master, be it a master martial artist or the master of some other craft, we think of them as attaining mastery at the end of a long…
What is Specific Physical Preparation for Martial Arts?

Every once in a while it’s fun to think about how much the exercises we train on a daily and weekly basis actually translate, or carry over, to the activities for which we’re training. Depending on your training program this can either be a great way to confirm that you are moving in the right…
On The Habit of Excellence

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” – Aristotle Lately I have been thinking about the virtue of excellence. This wasn’t always an important virtue to me. When I was younger (and dumber) I believed that I could get by on just being adequate at things…
HeavyBody Foundations Course – My Review

The HeavyBody Foundations course is the first section in Coach Chris Davis’ new Martial Body System. The Martial Body system is an attribute-based approach to training. This non-denominational systematic method of training the body is not only revolutionary, but much needed by today’s martial artist! Coach Chris has spent many years training with high level…
Breathing for Strength, Vitality, and Performance

For millennia breath control exercises have been the secret weapon of advanced yogis, qigong adepts, master healers, and warrior-monks to forge phenomenal strength, super human body control, and extraordinary vitality. When disciplines such as yoga, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Internal Martial Arts, and Qigong have been successfully used over thousands of years to heal the…
The Downfall of Functional Training & How to Fix It

What Functional Training Has Become… The field of functional training has degenerated into seeing who can perform the most meaningless stunt while looking the coolest (ahem… sometimes). These exploits may look impressive to the uninitiated or easily amused, but they have virtually no carry over and zero application to movement in real life, on the…
What is Fitness?

Fitness is probably one of the most controversial topics bandied about in social media, magazine articles, and by know-it-alls across the planet. Just about every type of training under the broad heading of fitness has its own staunch supporters and sycophants, as well as its haters and rabid detractors. Nothing really has a place of…