NEVER Cocktail Your Training… Here’s Why

NEVER Cocktail Your Training – Here’s Why… Cocktail Training is a term coined by world renowned sports training expert, Dr. Tudor Bompa. It refers to mixing various exercise programs together, having arbitrary and even contradicting goals. The basic idea is this – if you don’t have clearly defined goals and progressions when you train, you…
3 Things I Do Every Day for Recovery

I’m looking at the calendar and this year is winding down quickly. I swear, once we hit September the whole thing just seems to fly by! And, since this year has been crazy (to say the least) for most of the world, I won’t be sorry to see it go! But before the year ends, I’ll…
“He Opened My Eyes to Budo…”

Way back in 2009 I started studying this weird, rarely talked about, even more rarely taught aspect of traditional martial arts called internal power. To say it opened up my worldview when it came to martial arts training would be a huge understatement! Now, to put it in perspective, I’d been training in martial arts since…
A Stronger Core, NOW

So, I’m in the middle of training one of my oldest clients and one of the exercises in the set happens to be a push-up on a medicine ball. Now, we’ve done this exercise at least 100 times together, but this time as I demonstrate it she makes an astute observation – “your core is…
Which Program is Best for YOU?

I get asked this question all the time – Jon, which one of your programs should I start with? And the answer is, it depends on your goals. So in this article I’m going to give you a set of general guidelines to help you decide which program is right for you. Quick disclaimer before…
Random Training = Random Results

One of the biggest problems rampant among many types of fitness programs is that random training yields random results. It is difficult to measure progress when the parameters are constantly shifting. In order for the body to produce an adaptation for improved performance in life, sport, or martial art, we must apply specific stimulus as…
FREE Stay at Home Workouts

Since all the gyms are closed and we are all stuck working out at home for the foreseeable future, I want to hook you up with a free copy of my WarFit Combat Conditioning program. This hard-hitting program will build serious functional strength, torch fat like nobody’s business, and prepare you to face anything –…
Health Practices for the Pandemic

“You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength. Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. The universe is change; our life is what our thoughts make it.” – Marcus Aurelius It’s pandemonium out there. Schools…
Train the Body, Everything will Follow

How do you get great at so many different facets of martial art at one time? What one thing can you do to bring up your game across the board, no matter what are you practice? Train the body. ✅ Want to get better at grappling? Train the body ✅ Want to…
The Year of Strength

I have dubbed 2020 “The Year of Strength”. Why? Because in strength is what holds us all together. The strength of love. The strength of family. The strength of relationships. The strength of community. Yes of course the strength to physically defend ourselves and others. But also the mental strength to make the right choices.…