If something is worth doing, it’s worth doing every day.
Musashi instinctively knew this. He became the greatest swordsman Japan ever produced by practicing what he preached.
The concept of forging oneself through the rigors of daily training was so important to him that he made it a rule for those who would follow his way of martial strategy.
But this article isn’t about Musashi, it’s about you and tapping into your own innate greatness.
Forge Yourself in the Way
Forging must be done daily. There is no way to forge body, mind, and spirit into a finely honed blade without constant hammering and firing through the steel tempering process of training.
- Half-assed training won’t cut it.
- Training only when you feel like it won’t get you there.
- Training without a properly focused strategy will not work.
- Training the same way over and over again and expecting different results is the definition of insanity.
So What Works?
The only answer to the question of how does one become a great martial artist (and I’m assuming you want to be great otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this blog…) is this – TRAIN MORE.
But, like anything else, there’s a caveat.
Train smarter AND Train Harder.
As I always say, there are no secret techniques but there ARE secret (or less well known) training strategies that will improve all aspects of martial performance in much less time.
Training more and training harder are NOT the only variables. Anyone who thinks this way is an amateur.
Click HERE Now to Get All the Details!
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