All Warrior Fitness Training System Programs are 50% Off!
Sale ends Labor Day, September 2nd, at midnight!
Ninja Mission Program 1 – “The Sword Master”
You will train like the ninja of feudal Japan preparing body, mind, and spirit through rigorous physical training and martial practice. Every Ninja Mission will include:
- Brand New Combat Conditioning Workouts!
- Solo Training Drills for Building Martial Flow & Power!
- Advanced Breath-work and Energy Drills!
- Ninja Flexibility Training!
- Ninja Weapons – Unique Drills for Flow & Power!
In This Program You Will Receive:
- Ninja Foundations Workout Video 1
- Ninja Foundations Workout Video 2
- Ninja Sledgehammer Workout Video 1
- Ninja Sledgehammer Workout Video 2
- Ninja Metabolic Conditioning Workout Video 1
- Ninja Metabolic Conditioning Workout Video 2
- Ninja Flexibility Video
Ninja Mobility Video
- Sword Flow Drills Video 1
- Sword Flow Drills Video 2
- Sword Flow Drills Video 3
- Sword Flow Drills Video 4
- Sword Cut Flow Video 1
- Sword Cut Flow Video 2
- TenChiJin Breathing Video
- Ukemi with Sword Video
- Ninja Challenge Video 1
- Ninja Challenge Video 2
- Ninja Mission 1 Calendar (PDF)
This program contains over 95 minutes of video footage plus a complete calendar of how to put it all together.
No guess work involved!
All of this is instantly downloadable for you upon purchase!
The entire 30 day program of daily ninja training is now available to you for just
Your Mission, Should You Chose to Accept It….
By Jonathan Haas
Forward by Jack Hoban, Shidoshi
Since ancient times, stories have abounded about the legendary physical prowess of martial artists.
Today’s lifestyle, coupled with a lack of knowledge about how to combine fitness and budo, has led to a rapid decline in martial artists levels of strength and conditioning.
Warrior Fitness will help you and your students attain a new level of strength, flexibility and endurance — quickly and with little chance of injury.
Warrior Fitness combines old school fitness with modern exercise science.
Warrior Fitness covers:
- Flexibility
- Joint mobility
- Flow drills
- Breathing exercises
- Strength exercises
- Conditioning exercises
- Recovery
- And much more…
E-Book Version Only $25 $12.50 USD via PayPal (no shipping cost!):
Take advantage of technology and save on shipping with our e-book version of Warrior Fitness: Conditioning for Martial Arts. Instantly downloadable to your computer upon purchase. No shipping cost. No waiting. Instant access!
Warrior Fitness Guide Striking Power – Level 1 (e-book)
by Jonathan Haas, 9th dan Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu and certified Underground Strength Coach
Specific Physical Preparedness for ALL striking arts from old school Traditional Martial Arts to modern MMA!
Learn how to build a powerful structure to stabilize punches, kicks, and martial movement!
Discover how to use low-tech, high yield tools to strengthen strikes throughout a range of motion!
Sledge Hammer for force production, rotational strength, grip strength, and old school conditioning!
Medicine Ball for explosive strength and rotational strength!
Resistance Bands for force production, rotational strength, increased stabilization!
Bodyweight Exercise and Isometrics for structure and stabilization!
Discover how to use Intelligent Tension rather than general tension to power strikes!
Learn Breathing and vibration exercises for recovery and restoration!
Pure, 100% actionable content – no fluff, no BS, no filler!
Sample Workouts!
Buy Now for only $25 $12.50 USD!!
Martial Power Program
High-Intensity Fat-Burning Circuits: each Martial Power Workout can be completed in less than 30 minutes, yet those 30 intense minutes melt fat faster than hours of mind-numbing cardio-style exercise.
Complete Joint Mobility warm-up program and Active Recovery: specific low-intensity mobility exercises will increase your level of readiness by stimulating blood flow to prepare the body for work while lubricating each joint.
Real Martial Applications: each exercise has been carefully selected to create the highest level of specific conditioning while building and reinforcing your martial skill sets.
The Martial Power Program includes:
4 Video Workout Briefings that will help you BUILD LEAN MUSCLE and TORCH FAT so you can train like a true NINJA while building up more strength, conditioning, and powerful athleticism! ($97 Value)
Video of Jon’s Personal Joint Mobility Routine. This is the routine from my daily personal practice that will prepare the body for training, increase local blood flow to muscles, and aid in removing toxins from the body! ($37 Value)
Martial Power Program Manual That will lay out the workouts, 8 week programming schedule, pictures of the exercises, and advice on active recovery training. ($37 Value)
**BONUS** Video on Sanshin no Kata Training Drills That Will Take Your Training to a Whole New Level and Increase Your Martial Power! ($37 Value)
You Will Be Transforming A Whole Lot More Than Just Your Body… You’ll Be Transforming Your Mindset, Mental Toughness, and Martial Skill As Well!
The Martial Power Program ONLY $37 $18.50!
Learn unique and powerful breathing exercises drawn from martial arts, qigong, and yoga that will teach you how to Adapt AND Perform Under Stress!
Evolve Your Breathing Program
Evolve Your Breathing Video containing Jon’s private Breathing Workshop for Warrior Fitness Gym clients only, complete with detailed instructions and demonstrations of each breathing technique. This course is about how to use the breath to aid the body in adapting to and performing under stress!
Evolve Your Breathing Manual containing background, detailed written instructions, how to incorporate these powerful techniques into your daily routine, basic programming information, much more…
Get your copy NOW and start improving your performance today!
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