Living the Warrior Lifestyle

Years ago I wrote down what I considered to be the essence of living the warrior lifestyle and I called it “The Warrior Code” – original, I know! 🙂 Just so you are aware, here is my original “warrior code”: Warriors train to push their body and mind to the limits, and find new ones…
Energy Exercises for COVID Recovery

When I first tested positive for COVID back in May of this year, I thought to myself, “this is going to be a cakewalk.”
After all, as a strength coach and martial arts teacher, I I was highly fit, in robust health, exercised daily, ate a very nutritious diet, and got plenty of fresh air and sunshine. And, at 49, I was relatively young.
I figured being quarantined would let me catch up on my reading, get some work done, and watch more Netflix! 🙂
Boy was I wrong!!
5 Ways to Increase the Effectiveness of ANY Exercise

Last night at the gym as I was having a post-training conversation with one of my students, and he asked me – “how do you know how to make every single exercise we do more challenging???” It’s a good question, is it not? How do you take ANY exercise and make it more effective? Well,…
Which Warrior Fitness Program is Right for You?

I get asked this question all the time – Jon, which one of your programs should I start with? And the answer is, it depends on your goals. So in this article I’m going to give you a set of general guidelines to help you decide which program is right for you. Quick disclaimer before…
This Mistake will Tank Your Fitness Training

We all know people who think they can continue to grow and continue to make gains indefinitely by simply pushing harder and harder in their training day in and day out. Â But what always happens to them? Â Injury, burn out, sickness, stagnation. Â Then what? Â Well, once they get back on their…
The Paleolithic Origins of Standing Postures

The origins of standing practices are lost in the mists of time, but one can easily imagine that they began with ancient hunters as a way of attuning to their surroundings and gathering deep reserves of energy and strength while becoming invisible to the prey they hunted. Â As they were used by hunters, warriors,…
There is No Off Season for Warriors

Get ready stay ready. There is no such thing as an off-season for a warrior. As a warrior, we don’t train with the goal of “peaking” for a particular event, fight, or game. That being said, our training requirements are also a little bit different than the average athlete. We must consistently train for multifaceted…
How to Train for the Zombie Apocalypse

If I were to train you to survive the zombie apocalypse, how would I do it? Well, you will need to be all around functionally strong, possess no-quit endurance, and incredible amounts of sheer grit, or mental toughness! What determines whether or not you survive the approaching zombie horde? To me, it comes down to…
Training with Mr. Maceman – A Review

In the early morning hours of Saturday September 25th, 25 people from all over the Tri-State area gathered at the Martial Strength Training Academy in Branchburg, NJ for a Mace Training Certification Seminar. The group was made up of martial artists, fitness professionals, and regular folks alike who all had 2 things in common –…
The Effective to Efficient Continuum of Training

What’s the difference between being effective in your training and becoming efficient? When you first started to drive a car, you sucked at it, right? You couldn’t turn on the radio and the turn signal at the same time, and I’ll bet when you tried to wave at someone outside on the sidewalk, you turned…