Attention: If you’re suffering from stiff muscles, achy joints, or an out-of-shape body…
Now You Can Unlock The Ancient “Shugyo” Secrets Used By Mysterious Kung Fu Masters, Legendary Martial Artists, and Shaolin Monks… To Almost Double Your Strength, Regain Flexibility, And Reinforce Your Joints From Head To Toe… In ONLY Minutes Per Day.
Dear Friend,
Legendary martial artists like Bruce Lee, Morihei Ueshiba, and Miyamoto Musashi used similar methods to build legendary power that has been unmatched throughout history…
Even old time strongmen in the late 19th century tapped into this weird methodology to perform superhuman strength feats like bend steel bars and hoist 200 lb barbells over their head…
I’ll warn you…
The information on this page laughs in the face of common fitness methods. And may even sound strange at first…
But if you lean in and read every word, I promise, you’ll discover just how powerful the ancient practices of Japanese Shadow Warriors, Master Yogi's, and adept Shaolin Monks can be… to rewire your muscles for more strength, flexibility, and pain free movement almost overnight.
What you will find herein are the most powerful methods of internal strength development that I have come across after over 20 years of research, training, and studying.
And they all require one thing - you follow the exact methodology I've reverse engineered from decades of training in advanced martial arts. What you will find in this program is a highly detailed and cohesive method of training the body for martial arts, combat sport, and a lifetime of strength and health.
You see, the only real way to develop unusual strength, health, and power for martial art, combat sport, or life is to train for it.
And train correctly.
In the martial arts world we call this type of training Shugyo.
What is Shugyo?
Shugyo (修行) may be defined as “conducting oneself in a way that inspires mastery”. These periods of severe training were usually undertaken by warriors to achieve a type of enlightening experience which opened their minds by destroying their concept of previously perceived limits.
In addition to the typical training period where one removed oneself from society to train in the mountains for a period of days or weeks, there is another form of Shugyo that is much more accessible for us living in the modern world - Daily Shugyo.
Daily Shugyo is where one acts in a way that inspires mastery on a smaller scale, but on a consistent basis. Daily Shugyo requires that you set up your life so that training is your default method. Most people have a default setting of sitting on the couch and watching TV when nothing else takes precedence.
The warrior is different! Our default setting is to train!
“Intermittent training, no matter how intensive, is utterly useless. You must practice every day for your entire life. That, and only that, is true training, or shugyo.” - Yukiyoshi Sagawa, Daito Ryu
If you would like to know how to build incredible strength, resilience, and resistance to injury as you get older, then read on!
The Key to Long Lasting Strength and Injury Prevention
Traditional body building methods are designed to increase muscle size (hypertrophy) but not necessarily muscle strength. Additionally, these methods leave the tendons and connective tissue weak, brittle, and easily subject to damage.
Tendon strength is the secret weapon of martial masters and oldtime strongmen!
The Shadow Strength Program is based on timeless principles and practices of internal strength, updated, refined, and made accessible to you!
Shadow Strength contains a unique set of exercises drawn from traditional martial arts designed to utilize breath, posture, and mobility to build superhuman levels of strength and resistance to injury.
Chronic pain doesn't just happen...
It is the product of years of poor alignment, stress, or past trauma that accumulates over time.
As tension, tightness, and knots form in your soft tissue they begin to pull the entire body out of alignment, like a snag in a sweater deforming the whole garment.
Rebalancing your body through the ancient and time honored practice of standing meditation (zhan zhuang) is one of the most effective and long lasting means of healing old injuries, past traumas, and destroying stress.
Here's the secret...
The ancients who created yoga, qigong, and various systems of martial arts knew a thing or 2 about training the body as a whole, integrated unit and not a series of disparate parts.
In fact the word yoga means "to yoke" or to unite together.
Each separate system that came down to us from the ancient world had one thing in common no matter where they originated...
They all utilized breath, posture, and movement to create a balanced healthy body, energetic, and free from pain.
When you combine exercises using all 3 modalities you get a poweful synergistic effect on health and strength that modern methods lack.
It's not your fault that modern exercise methods have failed you...
I do NOT recommend using machines to exercise, EVER!
They restrict your body's true range of motion to one dimension and completely obviate any need for stabilizer, postural, or core muscles to activate at all. Combine that with the fact that nothing in martial art, sport, or real life ever happens in isolation or in one dimension and you start to see how dis-integrating your body via machine-based training is a recipe for disaster!
If you prefer to look like a Frankenstein body built out of disparate parts that have zero ability to function as a cohesive unit, then by all means enjoy your machine-based training.
Otherwise, stick with me and you will perform with integrated whole-body strength with fluidity and grace.
How Do We Build a Strong Structure?
Your body's structure is much more than just a stance or ready position. It is the platform from which all movements are made and from which all techniques are delivered. Your structure is quite literally the foundation upon which your entire martial art practice rests.
A weak, or structurally flawed posture will limit the amount of power delivered and reduce the effectiveness of every technique employed.
Conversely, a strong structure is the key to the effective execution of all your techniques. A strong structure carries the support of the ground and efficiently conducts that power through the user with minimal noise creating, in effect, a transparent power.
“You can’t shoot a cannon out of a canoe.”
Water provides a very poor base of support to maximally fire a cannon ball thus it will not travel very far. This is exactly what happens with a poorly constructed structure. So much power bleeds off in different directions that the mean effect of the movement is extremely reduced and more energy is required in order to compensate for the inefficiency.
There are many different forms of strength training but only a few, very specific, methods of strengthening the structure. The key to strengthening structure, as you will see, is training the connective tissue – fascia, tendons, and ligaments, and strengthening the bones, rather than working on muscle.
The benefits of this type of training are enormous; not only does having a stronger structure increase the effectiveness of martial movement and techniques, but also acts as a natural form of injury prevention by improving the strength and elasticity of the tissues and increasing the body’s overall resilience.
The Internal Power Connection for Both Health & Strength...
Internal Power Training is a way of conditioning the body through specific solo, power-building exercises. These training method span thousands of years and have been handed down through the ages -- mostly in secret -- within the warrior traditions of India, China, and Japan.
Internal Power is a body technology with a set method and detailed process of instruction that simply cannot be learned by osmosis. It must be explicitly taught. The basis for the method is what is known as the union of opposites or "In Yo Ho", in Japanese. By creating opposing forces within the body, through the use of specific focused intent, we begin to increase the mind-body connection to a remarkable degree.
Through the solo training exercises we condition and strengthen the entire fascia network, as well as tendons and ligaments, throughout the body. This process serves to create a connected body through the center so that when ‘one thing moves, everything moves’.
Internal Power is literally the secret of having an immovable, unbreakable structure and being able to deliver enormous power in strikes, kicks, and throws for ANY martial art, combat sport, or just be super strong, injury proof, and harder to kill!
Why Body Skills Are Critical to Martial Arts and to Life...
Body skills are the foundation of ALL martial and athletic movement. In fact, in my mind, they are the foundation of all good, powerful, pain-free human movement!
What are body skills?
They are the qualities that connect, support, mobilize, and strengthen the body from the inside out. They create a highly resilient, dynamically stable body that underpins all other skill acquisition. In short, you want to get better at the specific skill sets within your martial art, quickly - train the body!
Shadow Strength utilizes a proprietary set of exercises drawn from traditional martial arts and trained in a unique combination to skyrocket your internal strength, power, and resistance to injury.
Using breath, posture, and martial mobility, Shadow Strength breaks down the barriers to superhuman strength and an unbreakable body.
“The instructor can only impart a small portion of the teaching; only through ceaseless training can you obtain the necessary experience allowing you to bring these mysteries alive. Hence, do not chase after many techniques; one by one, make each technique your own.” - Morihei Ueshiba, Founder of Aikido
What's Included in the Shadow Strength Program?
Module 1 - The Power of Breath
Inside the Power of Breath Module You will Discover 8 Highly Detailed Downloadable Videos that will Teach You...
Unique breath training drills to connect the body and build real, "old school" internal power
Breath awareness drills to show you exactly how to begin filling the entire body with energy
The real secrets of power breathing for reinforcing the body with internal strength
Connecting breath to movement for whole body power and non-stop endurance
The secret of allowing the body to "be breathed" by your movement
4 gates breathing for powerfully connecting the body and conditioning the internal structures

Module 2 - Martial Mobility for Tendon Strength
Inside the Martial Mobility for Tendon Strength Module You will Discover 5 Highly Detailed Downloadable Videos that will Teach You...
How to supercharge your mobility training to stretch and strengthen the fascia and connective tissue for unifying the body
How to bulletproof your joints and improve whole body injury resistance
How to connect the body from head to toe for an unbreakable structure
How to use a simple stick to increase range of motion and joint mobility

Module 3 - Primal Postures for Health and Strength
Inside the Primal Postures for Health and Strength Module You will Discover 7 Highly Detailed Downloadable Videos that will Teach You...
How to use age-old standing meditation practices for strengthening the structure of the body from the inside out
How to build an immovable posture that carries the strength and support of the ground for maximum power delivery in all your martial techniques
Unique tendon training methods for building strength to rival the oldtime martial masters and strongmen
Connecting the internal structures of the body through the use of intent - mindbody technology
Stick zhan zhuang for magnifying the effects of internal connection training

The Shadow Strength Training Guide
The Shadow Strength Training Guide will show you exactly how to put all 3 modules (20 videos in total) of training together into a comprehensive program to build superhuman levels of shadow strength for your martial body.

Martial Arts Training is NOT Required!
Lets' face it, not everyone wants, or has the time and money, to spend decades immersed in ancient traditions of martial arts plumbing their depths and slowly, painfully prying loose their strongly held secret training methods.
I have done all the proverbial "heavy lifting" for you!
Shadow Strength is reverse-engineered from decades of high level martial arts and functional movement training to bring you the most complete program of movement for rebalancing your body, strengthening your connective tissues and joints, improving flexibility and range of motion, and skyrocketing your levels of functional strength.
If You are Ready to Learn Exactly How to Build Superhuman Levels of Internal Strength then Click the Button Below.
The Entire Shadow Strength Program is Regularly $97
On Sale for Only $27 Today!
“Shadow Strength is a fantastic course. Jon reveals a lot of secretly guarded information that will benefit you greatly. “
Matt Furey
- Matt Furey, world Shuai-chiao Kung Fu champion, author of Combat Conditioning
"I whole heartedly support this and wish My friends and family would take it upon themselves to do.Isaac Flores
I have been able to notice some really interesting things that have been happening as I stay committed to the practice here. I am fairly invested to the practice of Breathing and Meditation and THis Shadow Strength is such a Great way to connect the Breath with your personal energetic experience and recovery.
If you are already interested let me help you take the leap. Jon Haas's program Shadow Strength has given me not only the ability to heal my 10 year knee injury in a week than 2 weeks with a cane and walking strong till I can get back to work. I have already noticed my balance increase , and major increase in Breath work and focus.
Plus I have never been much of a working out dude yet even so I had super interesting experience like electrical currents within my body to me this is just the start. I take it as confirmation of path direction so I know it is special.
As the program begins you will notice how Jon's Teaching begins with breathing into the body and feeling with Intent. This will surely be the turning point.
I don't know many who have been able to make so many connections with Knowledge and experience in one program.
When you start this program release all brakes and dive into the true potiential of your own Abundance. Pay close attention to how and what it taught.
So far since I started This life has come full circle again and again and I actually feel like I am begining to acquire these very unique qualities in movement , Breathing, Swiftness and actual body control."
"Got Shadow Strength last evening. I started skimming over the lessons just to see what the program involved. I have to say that the segment on "Stick Zhan Zhuang" in my opinion is worth the price alone!
I tried a couple of the postures out of curiosity and was amazed at the feeling of power that type of routine can give you!!
It felt great!!
I never thought that a stick could make you feel that way!!
All I can say is thanks Jon!
Can't wait to get started on the complete program!! More to come.... "
- Lou Delpha
Meet Jon Haas, The Creator of Shadow Strength
Dear Friend,
My name is Jon Haas. I'm the founder of Warrior Fitness Training Systems, as well as a certified Underground Strength Coach-Level 2, 9th dan Black belt in Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu, and a certified Personal Trainer and FMS.
I have spent over 30 years - a lifetime - training, studying and working with the best in the areas of martial arts and strength and conditioning to figure out how to reverse engineer the ultimate in human performance for martial art, combat sport, and living a powerful, healthy warrior lifestyle. The goal of my teaching has always been to help as many people as possible reveal their full capacity as human beings while living a strong, happy, and pain-free life.
Back in 2008 I wrote the book, Warrior Fitness: Conditioning for Martial Arts. It was a huge hit and helped martial artists across the globe upgrade their health, strength, and performance for martial arts. But I wasn't satisfied with it...
Since then I have been working harder than ever to refine my understanding, improve my system, and clarify my communication to bring you the best possible training programs for building superior strength, flexibility, and whole-body power and pain-free movement for ALL people across all walks of life!
Shadow Strength is the culmination of all I have learned and developed so far. This program is by far the most detailed and easy to follow set of instructions I have ever created for building an injury-resistant, functionally strong, incredibly powerful body. I sincerely hope that you choose to purchase this program and reap the benefits of the practices I have laid out inside for years to come!
The secrets of growing stronger, more energetic, and healthier as you get older are inside. I invite you to come share them with me!

Free Bonus - Evolve Your Breathing Program ($37 value)
Breathing affects everything you do… whether it’s exercise, working, or even sleeping…
Yet what many people don’t know, is it’s also the key to unlocking abundant energy, perfect health and optimal performance.
And is the one missing ingredient which can supercharge every single one of your Shadow Strength workouts.
Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll get from this “Evolve Your Breathing” manual:
- Supercharge your energy and alertness at lightning speed… without the “crash” of sugar and energy drinks… (you have an endless source of energy in your body right now… all you need to do is breathe this certain way and tap into it.)
- Boost endurance in any type of exercise or activity (You’ll feel like somebody’s placed a “Duracell” battery inside of you… and will enjoy energy that never quits!)
- Maximize your recovery from oxygen debt in as little as 60 seconds so you’re fueled to go again for the next round. (Even if you’re puffing hard one minute, you’ll be ready to go the next.)
- Lower heart rate and improve blood pressure… The simple breathing hacks inside will help you de-stress, feel positive and enjoy life to the full!
- Discover how to increase your pain tolerance threshold by breathing through your nose and then doing this one thing… (find out on page XX.)
- The perfect way to relax and wind down at night for a deep and restful sleep... Imagine how much more energy you’ll have each day after a flawless night’s sleep!
- And much more!
If You are Ready to Learn Exactly How to Build Superhuman Levels of Internal Strength then Click the Button Below.
The Entire Shadow Strength Program is Regularly $97
On Sale for Only $27 Today!

My Iron-Clad 90-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee
If The Shadow Strength Program doesn’t show me exactly how to build powerful, whole body strength… if it doesn’t take me by the hand, step-by-step recover faster have no injuries… or if it fails to help me be more flexible and mobile, then I understand that I will receive a full refund, No Questions Asked!!
Please note this is a digital program. No physical products will be shipped. Upon purchase, you will be emailed the download links to entire Shadow Strength Program allowing you to begin training immediately!
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