
Attn: All Martial Artists

Discover How to Use Ancient Internal Power Methods and Cutting-Edge Strength Training to Create UNSTOPPABLE Martial Power in Minimal Time (Under 30 Minutes) No Matter What Rank You Are or How Long You Have Been Studying

(This System Works Even if You are a Have Zero Free Time and Hate Exercising!)

March 28, 2025

From the Desk of Jon Haas, The Warrior Coach

Re: How to build whole body power for martial arts without wasting your time on ineffective exercises and practices that might do you more harm than good.

Dear Fellow Martial Arts Practitioner,

Did you know that 99.9% of all martial arts practitioners in the world will never be great? It's true. Many dedicated martial artists spend years, decades, even a lifetime training, but never truly unlocking the hidden power that resides deep inside their own body.

Hi, my name is Jon Haas and in the next few minutes I'm going to reveal some startling information to you about your own martial arts practice.

If you have long suspected there must be more to your martial arts training, then stop right there. There is an advanced level of body conditioning that builds power from the inside out - a brand new program waiting, ready to take you to the next level. But, before I tell you about how it's going to benefit you, let me tell you why I finally decided to release this program...

"You Have to Teach This!"

I was working with a small group of dedicated martial artists teaching them the hidden keys to unlock the power in their respective arts when one of the guys stopped me and asked - "Seriously, why the hell isn't this taught???" I smiled and explained that in many cases skills like this have been lost in translation, or simply held back as being too valuable to share with those who were not directly in line to be a lineage holder.

He shook his head from side to side and then said, "You have to share this knowledge! It's so vital to taking your martial art practice to the next level!"

I told him I'd consider it and then proceeded to go back to teaching, not really giving the matter a second thought until days later...

When I finally sat down to consider releasing these advanced teachings to the public, I reflected on how lucky I had been over my career in the martial arts. I had phenomenal teachers who literally held nothing back from me so now that I was a teacher in my own right, who was I to hold back?

Then and there I decided to put this knowledge into a program that would blow the socks off anything I've released up to this point!


Here's the problem you face...

In this world of information overload, people tend to become SME's (subject matter experts). You may think that's a good thing, but stay with me because there is a HUGE glaring hole in this theory. Those who are Subject Matter Experts are extremely superficial. They know a lot ABOUT many things, but they have no depth.  And they tend to equate knowing about something with actually understanding it in their bones. This is very unfortunate because they are missing out on the incredible details of skills and practices they know about and glossing over them - completely missing the forest for the trees!

What you must become in the world of martial arts in order to unlock the hidden potential in your art is this - an SME (SUBSTANCE Matter Expert).

Which means you have to go deeper. Anyone can look at the surface level and think they understand. You must go beyond. You must learn how to see into the depths of an exercise or movement that you may have seen or done thousands of times and get to the essence of it. Only in this way can you truly understand and unlock the power inherent in the martial systems we study.

Standing on the Shoulders of Giants...

Internal Power Training is a way of conditioning the body through specific solo, power-building exercises. These training method span thousands of years and have been handed down through the ages -- mostly in secret -- within the warrior traditions of India, China, and Japan.
Internal Power is a body technology with a set method and detailed process of instruction that simply cannot be learned by osmosis. It must be explicitly taught. The basis for the method is what is known as the union of opposites or "In Yo Ho", in Japanese. By creating opposing forces within the body, through the use of specific focused intent, we begin to increase the mind-body connection to a remarkable degree.

Through the solo training exercises we condition and strengthen the entire fascia network, as well as tendons and ligaments, throughout the body. This process serves to create a connected body through the center so that when ‘one thing move, everything moves’.


Internal Power is literally the secret of having an immovable, unbreakable structure and being able to deliver enormous power in strikes, kicks, and throws for ANY martial art!

Why Combine Both Internal Power AND Strength Training?

 There are many different forms of strength training but only a few, very specific, methods of strengthening the structure. The key to strengthening structure, as you will see, is training the connective tissue – fascia, tendons, and ligaments, and strengthening the bones, in addition to developing the muscular system.

The benefits of this type of training are enormous; not only does having a stronger structure increase the effectiveness of martial movement and techniques, but also acts as a natural form of injury prevention by improving the strength and elasticity of the tissues and increasing the body’s overall resilience.


Muscle IS connective tissue

Rather than adopt the traditional body-builder belief system of each individual muscle in isolation, instead look at the body as ONE muscle with hundreds of insertion points.

Adopting this belief system allows you to train the body together as one unit (as it was meant to be).

So, rather than classifying resistance training and IP training as separate modalities, this system allows that they can be trained together.

Both require the load to be spread out across the system (biotensegrity).

The main difference is the belief system behind the training!

Muscles do not know the difference between a bodyweight exercise, a barbell exercise, a kettlebell exercise, or a push test.  They only know “on” and “off” – tension and relax.

No tension is a myth. No muscle is a lie. Only Appropriate Tension is the true measure of martial power and ability.

What you are training is your nervous system.  Therefore, ideally you should be able to use intent to turn on and turn off muscle groups depending on what you are trying to do.


Thus in this program I have combined the two methods to create a fully integrated system of developing human strength potential.
This advanced system of Internal Power Development AND Unusual Strength is presented to you for the FIRST TIME EVER inside this brand NEW program.
Let me introduce you to.... The Power Protocol: Advanced Minimalist Power Training for Martial Arts




In The Power Protocol I go Way Beyond My Previous Programs. I Share with You Step-By-Step Instructions to Reach Peak After Peak in Your Training and Become The Most Powerful You've Ever Been

The goal of this program is singular in nature – to cut through the morass of myth and misinformation and give you a practical, proven, results-driven method for building real martial power no matter who you are, what martial art you study, or how you’ve been let down by unknowing or unscrupulous teachers in the past.

This program is your one-stop-shop for developing knock-down, drag out power for any martial art from the inside out and the outside in. After following this program, you will be stronger, tougher, more durable, flexible, and resistant to injury.

Not to mention the ability to hit like a truck out of nowhere and be almost impossible to take down, throw, or joint lock without your express compliance!!

"I Wish I Had This Program When I First Started Training..."

Once I understood (and implemented) how to properly condition my body for martial art, the results were spectacular, and my skills went through the roof - and yours will too!



Here's Just the Tip of the Iceberg of What You will Discover Inside The Power Protocol...

  • Specific Warrior Fitness Style Rapid Deployment Warm-up so You can be Ready for Training Almost Immediately Which Means Less Chance of Injury and More Quality Training Time
  • New Details on Solo Training Exercises so You Can Unlock the Real Power Hidden Inside Them Which Means You Will No Longer be Wasting Time on Ineffective Exercises and Methods
  • The Rewiring of the Body for Internal Strength While Still Building Functional Muscle and Burning Fat Which Means You will Maximize BOTH Your Time and Your Results in One Easy to Follow Program
  • How to Develop True Power from Both Sides of the Nervous System - Performance Lies Between the 2 Extremes of Tension and Relaxation
  • How to Build True Core Strength - Building the Center and Connecting the Entire Body to Actually Move from Center like so Many Others Just Talk About
  • How to Create Truly Powerful, Heavy Strikes without Tension and Maximizing the Connection of the Body to Hit like a Mack Truck
  • And Much More...

Who Am I and How Do I Know I Can Help You?

Dear Friend,

My name is Jon Haas. I'm the founder of Warrior Fitness Training Systems, as well as a certified Underground Strength Coach-Level 2, 9th dan Black belt in Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu, and a certified Personal Trainer and FMS.

I have spent over 30 years - a lifetime - training, studying and working with the best in the areas of martial arts and strength and conditioning to figure out how to reverse engineer the ultimate in human performance for martial art, combat sport, and living a powerful, healthy warrior lifestyle. The goal of my teaching has always been to help as many people as possible reveal their full capacity as human beings while living a strong, happy, and pain-free life.

Back in 2008 I wrote the book, Warrior Fitness: Conditioning for Martial Arts. It was a huge hit and helped martial artists across the globe upgrade their health, strength, and performance for martial arts. But I wasn't satisfied with it...

Since then I have been working harder than ever to refine my understanding, improve my system, and clarify my communication to bring you the best possible training programs for building superior strength, flexibility, and whole-body power and pain-free movement for ALL people across all walks of life!

The Power Protocol is the culmination of all I have learned and developed so far. This program is by far the most detailed and easy to follow set of instructions I have ever created for building an injury-resistant, functionally strong, incredibly powerful body. I sincerely hope that you choose to purchase this program and reap the benefits of the practices I have laid out inside for years to come!

The secrets of growing stronger, more energetic, and healthier as you get older are inside. I invite you to come share them with me!


What Changes Will You Begin to Notice After Starting This Program?

Once you begin training in The Power Protocol, you will start to notice big changes happening in your body and your mind...

  1. You will start to feel ridiculously stable and rooted in all your movement
  2. You will notice training partners begin to have a difficult time taking you down, throwing you, or getting joint locks to work
  3. Your body will look and feel more muscular, but also more flexible and freer
  4. Your energy levels will begin to skyrocket
  5. Your mental concentration and focus will improve
  6. You will burn fat all over your body, especially in those problem areas that never seem to get touched
  7. You will move, strike, and kick much more connected and powerful than ever before
  8. You will feel more powerful, confident, and highly focued in your training and in your life

What's Included in The Power Protocol System?

  • Power Protocol: The Training Videos

    You will get 13 highly detailed, step-by-step video breakdowns of every exercise and practice. New training drills for developing a powerful, connected body. How to use the elasticity in your tissues for movement, striking, and power.

    Inside each video you will learn specific details that will NOT be found anywhere else!

  • Power Protocol: Minimalist Strength for Maximal Results Manual

    This program will show you specifically formulated minimalist workouts for strength and power. These brief, hard-hitting workouts are designed to quickly build lean, functional muscle while skyrocketing the metabolic system to torch unwanted fat.

    You will learn exactly how to train the entire muscular system for power without negatively influencing your internal power work or your martial art technique.

    The only goal is to unlock all systems of your body for the ultimate expression of personal power using simple tools like kettlebells or dumbbells – or, the ultra minimalist, train anywhere at anytime, bodyweight alternative workout!

  • Power Protocol: The Internal Strength Practice Manual

    Inside The Internal Strength Practice Manual you will discover…

    • The theory of internal strength training and how to use it to unlock the potential inside ALL your martial art training
    • The 2 different models of the human body and why your current concept is holding you back in your training
    • What is bio tensegrity and how does it work inside your martial arts practice?
    • Highly detailed Q&A on Internal Power – what it is and what it is not
    • A new and very powerful standing practice not shared before
    • How to train this method for maximal results in minimal time
    • Should you train daily and how to fit all your training into a busy and unpredictable schedule
    • Sample weekly training schedule and hot to set up your training


Get the Entire Power Protocol System for Only $97  $49 Today!

yes let me in

"To be perfectly honest, it has become clear this is what I needed and had been looking for. You've clarified a few things for me in regard to IP and biotensegrity, been seeking this understanding for quite some time on my own so thank you for pulling this together...  The standing practices, particularly the lower basin training, has already yielded some pretty phenomenal results. My kung fu stance work has noticeably improved and the chronic pain of my old neck injury has decreased dramatically. Pretty excited to see where this takes me as I integrate into the program fully. Thank you Jon!"

Angelo Gonzalez

"This is really deep stuff. I wish you lived closer 😂

It feels like we are connecting to the real root and understanding of creating power."

Andrew Clish

"Jon Haas is coach unlike any other! His experience in the martial arts and personal training is unlike any other! I recently purchased his new program The Power Protocol! All I can say is if your on the fence about purchasing any of his programs don’t wait get one! The content in The Power Protocol is outstanding! There is easily many years of detailed practice packed within this program! It’s not easy and if your not willing to do the work then don’t bother! However, if your willing to put the work in the benefits are unparalleled! Don’t wait! Jump on it!"

Shawn Patty

"I just wanted to thank you once more, I'm very happy to have received your material and have started looking into it now. It really looks amazing all the insight you've gathered in this field, and I look forward to applying it also of course…
Anyway, I just wanted to thank you in a personal way, since this material is like finding a lost pirate's chest of gold - very valuable to me!"
Kindly, Niels in Denmark

Niels in Denmark

STOP! This Program May NOT Be for You If...

  • You do not want to put in the work. This training WILL work for you, but you MUST put in the sweat equity!

  • You're happy with your current level of performance and do not want to become the toughest, strongest, most capable version of yourself!

  • You don't mind losing in a fight and don't need superhuman levels of strength!

Ultimately, it's up to YOU...

You can choose to keep wasting your time and not getting results by continuing to follow programs that are all show and no go, or you can use the system that's been proven to work time and time again.

Click the button below and I'll see you on the other side...


Get the Entire Power Protocol System for Only $97 $49 Today!

yes let me in

Power Protocol FAQs

Q: Who is this program for?

The Power Protocol is designed specifically for martial artists, regardless of style, who want to unlock the hidden power inside their own body, building an unusual level of strength, resistance to injury, and uncommon stability and flow throughout all their martial movements.

Q: How is the Power Protocol different from your other programs?

The Power Protocol reveals new internal power training exercises adding depth and detail to your training while simultaneously providing you with a complete minimalist bodyweight-based strength program to work. This is new material that I have never shared before and is guaranteed to take your training and martial art practice to a whole new level.

Q: How fast will I see results?

You will begin to notice results in energy management and increase in freedom of movement almost immediately when you implement the Rapid Warm-up included in The Power Protocol. Within the first week you will feel your body becoming stronger, more connected, and more powerful. The results will only compound from there!

Q: Do I need a gym to do this?

No. This program is designed to be ultra-minimalist. This means you can do it anywhere and anytime. For variety I have added in some exercise variations using kettlebells, but they are not required to get the full benefit out of this program.

Q: I’m out of shape and haven’t trained in a while, will program still work for me?

Yes. This program is scalable to every level of fitness from the couch potato to the advanced martial artist, and every level in between.  It is designed to change your body and advance your martial art practice no matter what rank you are, or how long you have been practicing.

Q: Is this a physical or digital program?

This is a digital program. You will have access to the entire program within minutes after purchase so you can start training immediately!

Please note this is a digital program.  No physical products will be shipped. Upon purchase, you will be emailed the download links to entire Power Protocol Program allowing you to start training immediately!

My Iron-Clad 60-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee

If The Power Protocol Program doesn’t show me exactly how to build powerful, whole body strength… if it doesn’t take me by the hand, step-by-step recover faster have no injuries… or if it fails to help me be more flexible and mobile, then I understand that I will receive a full refund, No Questions Asked!!

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For any questions, please contact us HERE.

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